Ivory Luncheon Size Napkins
(7 3/4”x 7 3/4”)

Soft and beautiful, our 3-ply napkins are of the highest facial quality. They are available in two sizes and an assortment of colors.

Luncheon Size Napkins (7 3/4"x 7 3/4") - White and Ivory.

Tea Size Napkins (4 3/4"x 4 3/4") - White, Ivory, Black, Burgundy, Red, Rose, Pink, Pale Peach, Yellow, Mint Green, Acua, Blue, Purple, and Lavender.

Napkins may be personalized with up to two lines of type. The typestyles shown on our samples - Signet, Baskerville and Sackers - are recommended for personalizing napkins.(See Typestyle Options)

Napkin Designs - Our designs are optional and interchangable for all napkins whether used with ink or foil colors. (See Napkin Designs)

Ink Colors - Black, Blue, Hunter Green, and Red inks (See Ink Color Options) Foil colors - Gold, Silver, White, and Purple (See Foil Colors)

Shown Here:
Ivory Luncheon Napkin #1- Blind Deboss (No Ink or Foil) Napkin Design - NM-9 (NM-9 is the only napkin design recommended for debossing.)

Ivory Luncheon Napkin #2- Blue Ink
Napkin Design - NM-3 Personalized using Signet