For dedicated bundle breaking lines, this is the ideal Stacker. The Systematic Stacker can build logs of bundles at full speed without interruption. Stacking nicked bundles enables full use of your finishing machine. Bundles are built on stainless steel arms and delivered out of the Stacker by an elevating conveyor. This is a great high speed, low cost Stacker for dedicated bundle breaking lines. Here are some details:

  • Stacks to exact bundle count without feed interrupt.
  • Has a small footprint for tight plant layouts.
  • Configurations are available to discharge bundles downstream or to either side.
  • Fully enclosed design features safety doors on both sides.
  • Setup is power adjusted.
  • Available in three sizes.
  • Can be provided with an optional trim removal section.
  • An optional package enables running up to three unnicked bundles across.

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Bundles Begin on Arms

No-Interrupt Stacking