Bundle Squaring Stations

Standard Bundle Squaring Station

This machine is the perfect mate for your bundle tier. It is simple to install and very effective at straightening bundles. Here are some details:

  • Installs over the top of a powered roller conveyor

  • For installation, it adjusts to the conveyor’s height and width

  • In operation, it easily sets up in seconds for bundle size

  • Straightens up to 20 bundles per minute from all four sides

  • Handles a wide range of bundle sizes:
    Length: 9” – 40” (229 mm – 1016 mm)
    Width: 9” – 48” (229 mm – 1219 mm)
    Height: 5” – 15” (127 mm – 381 mm)

  • Squaring centerline can be redefined for off-center bundles

  • CE compliant guarding, 24 VDC controls and 0-energy disconnects make this a very safe machine

  • Includes brakes that control the flow of bundles through the machine

  • Comprehensive Owner’s Manual covers safety, installation, start up, operation and maintenance

  • The Bundle Squaring Station has a beautiful and durable powder coated finish

Click to watch the Standard Bundle Squaring Station in ACTION!

Quicktime broadband version(downloadable)

Quicktime dialup version

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Bundle Straightening

Bundle Hold Down

Bundle Stop